The Chief
I have been in the United States Navy for 28 years. I have made a lot of friends and a flock of enemies. I have been accused, arraigned, blamed, censured (mule skinner type) denounced, reported, slurred, admired, approved, blessed, cleared, credited, decorated, extolled, lauded, praised, sanctioned, vindicated and worshipped, shipped out and over. Talked, talked for and talked about, lied to and lied for. I have been, seen, had, or refused most everything and every place on this ole' globe. The only reason I am staying in this canoe club is to see what will happen next.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't have any civilian clothes.
REAL CHIEFS: Have CPO Association Cards from their last 5 commands.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't remember when they weren't Chief's.
REAL CHIEFS: Favorite National Holiday is CPO Initiation
REAL CHIEFS: Keep 4 sets of dress khaki in hope they come back.
REAL CHIEFS: Favorite food is shipboard SOS for breakfast.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't know how to tell civilian time.
REAL CHIEFS: Call each other "Chief."
REAL CHIEFS: Greatest fear is signing for property book items.
REAL CHIEFS: Dream in Navy Blue, White, Haze Gray, and at times Khaki.
REAL CHIEFS: Have served on ships that are now War memorials or tourist attractions.
REAL CHIEFS: Get tears in their eyes when the "Chief" dies in the movie "Operation Pacific."
REAL CHIEFS: Can find their way to the CPO Club blindfolded, on 15 different Navy Bases.
REAL CHIEFS: Have pictures of ships in their wallets.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't own any pens that do not have "Property U.S. Govt." on them.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't voluntarily get the mandatory flu shots.
REAL CHIEFS: Don't order supplies, they swap for them.
REAL CHIEFS: Think excessive modesty is their only fault.
REAL CHIEFS: Last ship was always better.
REAL CHIEFS: Know that the black tar in their coffee cup makes the coffee taste better.
REAL CHIEFS: Idea of Heaven----Three good PO1's and a Division Officer who does what he's told.